Video Descriptors Types

Video Descriptors are classified into the following types of descriptors:

Type Definition
Mood A tone of the work, as expressed through the combination of story, characters, setting, dialog, art direction, cinematography, music, effects, etc.
Theme An abstract concept of human experience that the work addresses
Scenario A specific situation, often personal or interpersonal, that sets the plot into movement, or moves it forward
Concept Source The type of original source material that provided the inspiration or story for the work
Character Actual or fictional being/group relevant to a work, encompassing occupation, personality, relationship, nationality, ethnicity, religion, cultural affinities, physical / mental condition, life stage, etc.
Setting - Time A time period in which all, or a portion, of the plot is set
Setting - Place A type of physical environment in which all, or a portion of, the plot is set - realm, area, specific outdoor or indoor environment
Setting - Occasion A global cultural, religious or national holiday or festival, or transitory personal event addressed in the work
Subject – Specific Location A continent, region, country, state, province, celestial object, planet, solar system, fantasy worlds or supernatural realm noted as a subject of the work
Subject - Issue A mental state, emotion, personal quality or mental or physical condition noted as a subject of the work
Subject – Personal Issue A mental state, emotion, personal quality or mental or physical condition that impact one’s being noted as a subject of the work
Subject – Specific Being/Group An actual, fictional or spiritual person, group or organization noted as a subject the work
Subject – Specific Event An actual, fictional or spiritual event of the past, present or future noted as a subject of the work
Subject - Milieu A well known combination of place and time, usually with additional explicit or implicit historical or cultural context that is noted as a subject of the work
Subject Practice A professional, vocational, activist, scholarly, religious or artistic pursuit, or other committed endeavor noted as a subject of the work
Subject - Activity A pursuit done for enjoyment, interest, or lifestyle outside of a professional context noted as a subject of the work